Thursday, July 9, 2009

I have a crush on you...

So last night while everyone was "lepak"ing at the sitting room while doing nothing, I asked this random question to the Divas.

"How does it feel to date a celebrity?"

Peyya gave me her big grin smile and said "Hahaha, mestilah glamour".

So, I further asked who their Malaysia Celebrity Crush is, but I was the one who came out with the answer first.

"Hans Isaac. Handsome siot". Peyya agree. Biena said, "Tapi dia Kristian la". OK, so we kept thinking about other celebrity and again I came out with the answer.

"Aku suka Naz Rahman. Yang jadi Zack Imran dalam cerita Ghost. OMG, suka gile ok. Tapi dia dah kawin la. Damn!"

Peyya looked confuse because she tought that the guy's name is Azizan Nin. I told her that Zizan is the guy who is once a POND's model. Tapi, Zizan ni comel juga k.

And then she said "Aku suka mamat yang berlakon cerita Emil Emilda tu. Aoron Aziz kot nama dia. HOT weh". I know that guy and yes I have to agree with her that he is smoking HOT. But, he's married too.

Then, Peyya and I both turned to Biena and waited for her answer.

"Hurm, aku tak tau la kan tapi kan dulu aku minat sangat kat Zul Yahya". Peyya and I looked at each other and then burst into laughter. I mean who will taught that she has a crush on Zul Yahya right? Dah la mamat tu jenis yang kelakar. But, it's ok Biena, he is cute though.

But then. Zul Yahya is married too. Gosh, all of us seem to have a crush on a married guy kan? Well, I guess "All good men are either married or gay". Hahaha. Dah kawin boleh terima, tapi kalau gay, errr boleh bunuh diri. Ok, memain je.

And then I suddenly remembered this new celebrity who acted in one of the Malay Drama so I asked Biena to google it for me because I don't remember his name.

So, she google it and suddenly she exclaimed "OMG, mamat ni kawan abang aku la, Dulu selalu datang rumah aku masa kat Kuantan".

Peyya and I jumped out from the sofa and stared at her laptop.

"Oi mamat ni kacak weh"

"OMG, serious kawan abang ko ni?".

Operasi stalking pun bermula selepas itu. Sorry ye, nama mamat tu terpaksa dirahsiakan untuk mengelakkan kontroversi dan publisiti murahan. Hahaha. But this guy memang HOT. Yang penting he's young and single. Woot woot!

Anyway, Zack was not with us yesterday so Zack, later on let us know who your crush is, OK?

And what about you?

Who is your Malaysia Celebrity Crush?

Alright, bye2.


daju said...

nape plak rahsia...
alaa nk tau..
mase zaman sindarela tuh suke remy ishak..
tp yaya xagreee my taste..xkesahlaa..

irwanimarziella said...

egy, i love pierre andre, i have a pix with him okay, taken by my boyf.

Anonymous said...

daju: OMG, remy ishak tu pun suka juga. Hehehe, kena la tny Biena kalau nak tau.

Melle: Yes dear, I saw your pic dgn Pierre Andre dulu. He's cute! And your boyf sangat sporting k.

Unknown said...

OK setelah tengok La Dolce Amira semalam aku rasa Darius mirip muka abgI tu macam eligible gak, tp only when he's mad je

Anonymous said...

well well dalam cerita tu nama dia Bak la. Ok la memang kacak pun bila dia marah

Anonymous said...

yess that bak :)
sab suka iqram dinzly.. dia kacak gle..
omg omg.. cair~

Mirae said...

hahahaha. hidup zul yahya! aku suka tgk remy ishak. siap add kt facebook lagi.jgn marah! hehe. hi-5 daju!

Anonymous said...

semangat gila ko mirae. Hahaha.

Bina said...

Mane ade minat SANGAT, minat je laaa, ish.and it was DULU, and not DARI DULU, skg dah x mnt dah. Susahlah nak fell for the guys on TV :)

Tapi saya suka Haruto from One Liter of Tears.

Anonymous said...

Owh ye ke? Nanti aku betulkan ayat tu k. Anyway, Haruto is not Malaysian laaaaaaaaaaa.

Bina said...

Nanti if dah jmpe bgtau.

Mirae said...

hahaha.aku terjumpa remy di facebook lalu teradd. oh smuanya berlaku dengan ter, terlalu pantas dan sangat drastik! hehe

daju said...

yang rahsia2 nih name dia Bak dlm cite ker..
weih citer ape nih..
*haha nak tau gak*

Anonymous said...

Mirae: hahaha byk la kau punya "ter". Ko tgk tak die berlakon jd adam dlm cerita Nur kasih tu? Fewh hot. K.

Daju: ok la daju meh bg klu sket k. That guy misteri berlakon cerita renjis. Hehehe. Maybe tau kot.

daju said...

haha..yg jd rafiq, budi, or dean..i bet yg jadi dean tuh..haha

Anonymous said...

bukan daju. yg dean tu ashraf sinclair tp mamat tu hot juga. berlakon renjis 2.

irwanimarziella said...

egy, played as Budi kat renjis tu ke? now he acted on BioNik, kamal adli ea..? just guessing. hahaaha

Anonymous said...

YES! I know his name but saje je x nak cakap.

Baizura said...

sape tu??? saya kurius.

oh saya suka FAHRIN AHMAD. ngeeengee

haleem.arbi said...

saya suka megan foxx!

Anonymous said...

Bai: Kamal Adli tu berlako cerita Bio-Nik kat tv3 skrg.

Haleem: Yes, ko sangat random.

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