Friday, July 3, 2009

Honesty, the bridge to Jealousy?

Hello y'alls!!!
I'm the latest addition to the glam fam as you might've noticed.
Thanks divas for taking me in..muahahaha..
anyways, since this blog seems like the place to talk about all issues involving love and relationships, I've got one in mind. We were having this really deep conversation on ex-es and relationships last night with some of our guy friends when this issue came up--JEALOUSY.

Some people are the extremely jealous type, while others not so.
There are guys who will go mad if they found out that their girl went out with a group of guy friends. There are also guys who are more laid back, and wouldn't mind if their girlfriend hung out with her boys.
The biggest issue that I thought at the moment was that, should you play the honest persona and tell your partner that you're going out for a fun night with a group of people of the opposite sex? Now, this is when I don't really grasp the concept of honesty. It seems like people choose what or when they want to be honest to their partner. If they think something like going out with a bunch of guys seems cool and is a potential issue to start up a fight, they would be all crystal clear about it, but let's say if they went out for a drink with their ex (even if they accidently bumped into each other), just the two of them, they would try to bury it deep down in their closet.
This is all hypothetical, I'm not trying to generalize here, I don't even know where I'm going with this.
But I seem to like one of my gf's idea that, you should not do whatever you think would make yourself mad if your partner did it. Let's stick with the example above, if you think you'll go crazy jealous if your boyfriend when out with a bunch of girls, then don't do it yourself.
End note, Don't push your luck if you want the relationship to last and try to keep low on the jealousy!
Until next time.


wanwanwan said...

that is one conclusion,,may I also add "toleration"?? haha

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