Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Di sebalik tabir.

I have been staying at College Park since last week because I was bored to death staying alone at home. Thanks to Biena and Peyya for letting me stay at their place for a while. I have been having so much fun lepaking with them. Most importantly, I enjoyed masak2 kuih with them every evening.

Anyway, I kalau buat kuih muih ni memang I banyak vitamin M. I am not a big fan of kuih muih so if I REALLY want to eat them then barulah I buat. So far I haven't experience that desperate syndrome yet so I mmg tak buat kuih la kalau I duduk rumah. But the diva housewives and adik freshman dalam rumah ni memang rajin so selama I stay sini, bermacam2 kuih telah berjaya dibuat. Antaranya :

1. Apam Balik

2. Kuih Keria and Cik Mek Molek

3. Murtabak Ayam (Ini bukan kuih)

4. Buah Melaka

5. Cheesecake (Ini pun bukan kuih juga ye)

The best part of making kuih-muih or even during cooking is that we will start saying things about future such as "Ha dah pandai dah masak ni, bolehlah kawin", "Eh kau suka lelaki yang macam mana eh?" or "Adoi, bilalah nak ada boyfriend ni?". We pretty much talk about the same thing over and over again but we never get bored with that topic. Sebabnya we all have the same goal in future, which is to be The Diva Housewives. Don't get us wrong, that doesn't mean that we want to stuck in the house and do the cooking or cleaning the whole time. We want to have a successful career and also a loving family at the same time so at this moment we are building the foundation to achieve our dream.

Hopefully, termakbul lah ye. Oklah later on I membebel di blog ini lagi.

Later people.

Zera H.

p/s: I rasa nak demam la hari ni. Flat....


ysmnkml said...

OMG KORG PUN TAU CEK MEK MOLEKKK??? selama ni i ingat org lain xpenah dgr :P hahaha my mum slalu buat and i baru plan nk buat! :)

Baizura said...

heeeeeeeee salu dgr peyya ngan egy kalo kat dapo mst ckp psl kawen ngan boipren. haha

minnnnnnnn! i pun suke cek mek molek. my god tu kueh plg sedap d duniaaaa *exaggerate sket*

Zafirah Z. said...

'scuse me, mana ada tolong sket eh. tu egy jer ngahahaha.

Anonymous said...

peyya, jangan in denial eh. baru je td kat dapur bukak topik yg sama.

min and bai : I baru je first time makan cik mek molek that day. before this tak pernah tau pun kewujudan kuih tu. hehehe. tp memang sodap!

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