Sunday, June 14, 2009

satu permulaan yang indah mungkin :)

Egy: Aku rase macam nak close blog akulah, mencetus controversy je, jom wat blog sama2 nak tak?
Bina: (being a supportive friend) Ok je, aku mmg nak wat blog baru pun, malas dah update blog lama.
Peyya: (being a supportive friend juga) Boleh jugak.
Bina: Ape kate ko publickan je blog ko yg private tu *membuat muka pnuh harapan*
Peyya: X de ape pun dalam blog tuuuu (ayat standard Peyya)

*perbualan ini seperti Bina yang bercakap smuanya but trust me, it is a converstaion of 3!

so there we go, from Egy yang dah nak close her blog because of personal reasons, and from I who need a new blog to update and from Peyya who is trying to make people stop asking her to publicize her private blog - maka wujudlah blog ini!

The Diva housewives.

it's amazing what summer can do to you, btul tak? ;)

macam poyo je kan wat blog bersama di usia 22 thn (o.m.g dah tua), haha, but we only live once, we will not be young for ever, so do what we want to, let's be true to ourself. and like the tagline says 'when we were young...'
hopefully this blog will capture all the important moments before we turn 25!
I do have a good feeling about this :)

and owh here nak promote blog kawan2 di Illinois di mana satu kumpulan pergi Eurotrip and another group pergi Jepun and Korea : Summer Story (blog ni amat comel)

owh do forgive my Manglish, if it's very annoying do tell.
yosh, kawan2 mari memasak, malam ni kami akan terima tetamu istimewa :)


Baizura said...

saya berpendapat cik bina ini ada bakat menjadi penulis kerana berbakat berdialog sendiri3. hikhikhik bina tarukla skill spelling dlm writing.whoaa mst comel

-silent reader

NOT mwahhaha jiran seblah je kot

..:: eT ^ zaTieY ::.. said...

comel la korg2 ni


Anonymous said...

hahaha thank you adik2.

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